Find Good

Very excited about finding a ream of legal sized paper to start with in the garage. We’ll be updating the schedule coming up with some projects you can participate in, too.


Call for art


We are looking for artists of all sorts to collaborate with us on small projects from time to time.

Send a brief description about you and the art you make to:

info (at)

Tell us about your ant farm paintings or your play-doh animations made with a polaroid or the rocket you tied a camera to and launched into outer space. I don’t know.

Don’t worry, we don’t bite, but our cats do.

Crummy House


Find more here in the coming weeks. Until then keep your eyes to the sky.  Join our mailing list, if you are so inclined. We’ll let you know when the fun begins, so you can tell your family and friends. – CH

Sign up here.