Follow us to the never-ending freedom of art collaboration and making stuff for the hell of it!
Where you say? @CrummyHouse
Follow us to the never-ending freedom of art collaboration and making stuff for the hell of it!
Where you say? @CrummyHouse
Crummy House is proud to announce a collaboration with photographer Keith Young. We’ll be getting together with Keith and working on a new book for November very soon. Excited to see what direction Keith takes on this new zine. Check out Keith’s work over here: Keith’s website
We were super excited to make some limited-edition zines for Good Press a couple weeks ago. They will be showing up this week at Communicate and Circulate, a show dedicated to print and publishing in the independent arts.
We’re even more pumped up that the dream of Crummy House is coming to life. In one year, we were able to make art with 10+ artists. Now, on top of all that goodness, we also have opportunity, thanks to our friends Matt and Jess at Good Press, to show this work to a different audience.
We are very thankful for the artists and friends that are making this what it is and hope to continue sending work into the world. We will wrap this year up with two artists to be announced very soon and share some news about our plans for next year, including what we plan on doing with all this great art that we made this year. STAY TUNED!
Read a little bit about the upcoming show at Graphik Mag
Every once in a while in this life, something happens out of thin air and you’re left wondering “How the hell did that happen?” This applies to an introduction by two of the nicest, warmest individuals I have ever met on the internet. Matthew Walkerdine and Jess Higgins are Museums Press, a self-publisher based in Glasgow, Scotland.
Recently, the two opened Good Press, a gallery space in the music label, Monorail‘s cafe/headquarters. We were asked to submit a limited-edition release of zines to be included in a show in early November.
Click here to see what we came up with.
We’re super excited to be working with friend and creative accomplice Renee Fernandez on the next Crummy House zine. We’ve gotten to hang around and draw with Renee a handful of times before, but we’re way excited to be working on some art pieces together. We’re gonna try our best to get this zine out on time. Fingers crossed.
Are you starting to see a theme at Crummy House? We’re a little behind with our updates. Jess is in finals in school. I’m overloaded in general with my ADD brain starting projects left and right, with little progress on all grounds. We’re still majorly pumped up to be working with Jay Geurink on this month’s collaboration. As we catch our breath and figure out what we’re gonna do, stay tuned because this zine’s gonna need your help.
Check out Jay’s website in the meantime: Birdsswim.com