Check out these nifty noggin clobberers Crummy pal Matt Thompson crafted in recent days. Not everyday you get a hand-made gift that is also a message on your door, real life style. Let’s all go work with our hands (away from these darn metal mind melter contraptions with the keys, and whatnot.
It’s a slow going over here at the Crummy House. We’ve been a bit behind on updates, mainly because the Texas heat is roasting our little brains and the sweat is making it hard to type this update, but we are way proud to announce our next collaboration with Mr. Paul Windle. We talked a bit about Paul before, but the dude just moved up to the Big Apple and we’re gonna work with him on a zine about overheard conversations. This should be a great book, so stay tuned.
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDD! Fellow M + J consonant enthusiasts and CRUMMY # 5 participants Matt and Jess of Museums Press are opening a Good Press, working space, gallery, bookshop and small cafe for individuals and groups to showcase their projects in Glasgow. What a dream, I say. In the mean time, they plan to open a series of temporary exhibition spaces in unused shops across Glasgow to raise funds and awareness of the project; so they need some cash! They are only trying to reach 1000 Euro. You can pledge some doh over at Sponsume, the UK version of Kickstarter. These are super creative, and good people that promote creatives from all over. They totally deserve the backing, if you got it.
Our very first CRUMMY alumnus, Christie Young has started doing weekly illustrations (with some very helpful rules to live by) over on Good Magazine’s site. Nice work, Miss Young. Keep it comin’.
And just as we finally roll out Martin’s book, we are supremely pleased to announce a Crummy collaboration with Miss Abi Daniel. A true jack of all trades, kind, and funny lady. Abi is a skilled craftsman in wood, watercolor and pencil, just to name a few, and boasts a fine collection of found objects. Recently, Abi traveled up to Book Court in the good old northeast to attend the launch party for Avery Anthology’s bi-annual short story publication, for which she was chosen to illustrate the seventh book . Read more about her contribution here, & of course take some time to browse Abi’s intricate, and beautiful work on her own site.
Headed off to Abi’s creation station to play with objects and end up with some art tonight. Totally stoked
Bet you thought this was the next zine release! We are a little behind on our schedule, but we are back to work today on our release from Martin Svoboda.
For now, enjoy these images from Paul Windle‘s newest zine release, Mid-70’s Baseball Dudes. We’ve been talking with Mr. Windle about a zine in the near future. Hopefully, we play our cards right and get to work with this talented artist before he’s all booked up. No puns intended. Nyuk, nyuk.
Stay tuned, we’ve got a great book to show you in the coming day or so and a new artist to announce for our June collaboration. We’re bringing the party back home, folks, with an artist right here in Austin.
Slowly but surely, we are moving forward with our collaboration this month. We’re finally coming to grips with the time you must dedicate to a self-publishing project. It always takes more time than you think, but it is fun and we like to have fun. Here’s a little sneak peak of what you can expect in the next Crummy zine. For now, go tell a friend about Crummy House and have a good Friday!